mom and baby in car

Moms, We Were Created for Beautiful Things

A few weeks ago, I woke up in a mood. I wanted to have a great day but everything seemed to be going wrong. Many little annoyances made it seem like a bad day was forming.

I pushed through fixing my kids breakfast and laying out clothes for the day. But every little argument between my girls, just set me off. I was starting to lose it.

Then, as I was giving my five-year-old a bath, she looked up at me and said, “Mom, God didn’t make you to just complain all the time.”


I sat there in awe of the fact that my five-year-old was saying something so wise and also because I was convicted over my attitude that morning.

I responded to those big blue eyes by saying, “You are right, Mommy shouldn’t complain all the time. I’m sorry”. Then, I was pushed to try a little harder that morning. To remember life is more than whining and grumbling about what isn’t going right.

So, how can we find beauty in the demands of motherhood? How can we press the reset button on our attitude?

I believe it takes a few small changes everyday. Some routine changes but mainly small heart changes.

Pursue Peace

Usually my worst days as a mom are the ones when I’m not thinking of ways to keep the peace in our home. It’s the days that I feel like everyone owes me. My attitude screams:  I’m the mom and I take care of you so that means you must be perfect children or else.

Hopefully I’m not the only one that battles this selfishness as a mom.

When I go out of my way to communicate with my children and the sinfulness they are battling, I’m able to fight my own sin and guide my family in a more godly way.

Peace in our homes isn’t going to magically happen when our kids outgrow stages or grow older. We will always be faced with challenges in our parenting. They will be different and new with each season.

To pursue peace, we must strive to grow in our faith because the closer we are to Christ, then the more serenity we will display in our homes.

When we wake up in the morning and fill our minds and hearts with scripture then it’s more likely that we will be able to hold it together when we feel like everything’s falling apart. Nothing can quiet our minds like God’s word.

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

Do Things That Bring You Joy

God has called us to diligently serve in the home but that doesn’t mean we can’t do things that we enjoy. In fact, we’ve also been called to rest.

“So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God, for whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his works as God did from his. Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.” Hebrews 4:9-11

Hebrews 4:9-11

A few weeks ago, I did something that I haven’t done in months. I got a haircut at the salon. I’ve wanted to do for quite some time but the busyness of motherhood kept me from actually going through with it.

So, I made the appointment and met my mom there so she could hold the baby. The haircut took maybe 10 minutes but it felt so good to leave there feeling a little pampered. I came home to my family feeling refreshed even though I was only gone for 30 minutes.

This is one of those ways of being content with how your body is and improving upon it when possible.

Here are a few quick ideas for when you need a small break:
(I usually find the time to do these before the children wake up or after they go to bed)

  • A bubble bath and a homemade face mask
  • Go to a quiet room and read an encouraging book for 15 minutes
  • Write in a journal before bed
  • Exercise (go for a walk, ride a bike, etc)
  • Make a yummy treat (the whole family would appreciate this one)

As moms, we can learn to thrive when it feels like all we do is serve everyone else. But we can also savor each second of rest that is available. 

So often in these quiet times of rest is when I hear God speak to me. Even if it’s just for a moment, be still and listen for His voice.

Remember Your Purpose

I think we can agree that motherhood is sanctifying. It’s often a 24/7 job that must continue even when we haven’t slept, ate, or showered. It’s hard to admit that a big part of motherhood is putting our family above ourselves.

Mama, God didn’t give us these children to punish us but to bless us. He has entrusted us to teach them godly character, patience and the scriptures so that He can speak into their hearts. While we can’t make our children love God we are called to be a helper that points them in the right direction.

This is such a purposeful task. How we deal with everyday inconveniences speaks volume to our kids. They know Mommy talks about God and says she loves Him but is she showing God’s love when things don’t go her way?

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”

Psalm 51:10

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