
I’m Leigh-Ellen, wife to James and mom to Charlotte, Adelaide, Owen, and Lydia. I always thought that motherhood would come easily to me but I never knew how physically exhausting it would be. Through Jesus Christ and the relationship I have with Him, I’m learning that I can’t carry this motherhood thing on my own.
I need my Heavenly Father to bring purpose and true rest to my life. It’s my passion to humbly set my own needs aside and serve Christ through serving my family.
And that is the inspiration of this blog, ParentingWithHumility to share my experience with other intending moms, parents and family.
I shared how I got the inspiration for the name Parenting With Humility here.
Here at PWH, my goal is to provide biblical encouragement and truths for the worn down, tired mama like myself. I don’t claim to have all of the answers, but I believe in the power of community, and uniting to strive for better things together.
Each day motherhood calls me to lay down my selfishness so that I can better serve my family. God is teaching me through my sins that I can’t live a joyful life without Him. I’ve found freedom in knowing that my sins don’t define me but they humble me and shape me into the person God is making me be. My goal is to bring this message to other women that are struggling to find their purpose and are just tired of trying to do it all.
Hopefully, you will find truth and encouragement here that will motivate you to face the day more purposefully. I pray that we would view our circumstances as an opportunity to draw us closer to Christ instead of pushing us further away from the hope and freedom found through Him. I hope to be a Gospel-centered website that isn’t afraid to get real and tell people things they might not want to hear BUT focus on what God has called me to write.
My heart is to pursue Christ in all things so that I can serve those around me in a way that always points back to Him. Please consider joining along and staying in touch!
– Leigh-Ellen