Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT Reviews (2023)

Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT Infant Seat Reviews

Table of Contents

While some parents may want to start riding their newborn in a convertible car seat or an all-in-one car seat, either of which can be used for an incredibly long time (up to 10 years), other parents choose to start with an infant seat and decide to go with the Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT.

There are many reasons to start with an infant car seat over a convertible seat.

Some of the many reasons include:

  1. Portability – the convenience of carrying your baby in their car seat.
  2. Lightweight – infant car seats are lighter in weight, allowing you to take a stroll in the park with your baby, go grocery shopping, make a hospital visit, etc., without feeling worn out so soon.
  3. Handle carrier – a convertible car seat does not usually have a carrier handle. But with an infant seat, you can always carry your baby when they are still light in weight.
  4. Stroller compatibility – the Safety 1st onBoard 35 lt infant car seat is compatible with a stroller and attaches securely with a simple click. It is compatible with any stroller that features QuickClick.

Nevertheless, the Safety 1st onBoard 35 is a good choice for all types of car seats. You are about to read a brutal assessment of the infant seat based on in-depth research and actual feedback from other parents, beyond what the manufacturer says.

Why You Can Trust this Assessment - Basis Of This Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT Reviews and

One of the overwhelming first assignments you carry out as a new parent is getting those baby products to buy. In this case, an infant seat. But where do you start from? What do you look out for? And more.

Here at ParentingWithHumility, with personal experience raising my four beautiful kids, I’ve gone over buying baby products and know where what and how to look out for things.

I’ve taken extra hours to do this research to write a review on the Safety 1st onBoard LT infant car seat. My research is based on how it’d be if I were buying a product for myself; I thoroughly do justice myself.

Beyond just what the manufacturer says, more insight is pulled from other parents’ experiences with the Safety 1st infant car seat.

Before delving into these reviews, I will like to prompt your mind on the basics an infant seat should have for the extra safety and comfort for a newborn;

  1. Extra padding for best comfort
  2. Carrier handle for easy carriage
  3. Recline positions to adjust to a suitable angle for a baby
  4. Harness system for baby’s safety and should be easily adjustable
  5. Soft materials for a baby’s comfort
  6. Impact pads to absorb energy in a crash
  7. Newborn insert to pad up the seat and fit any size of a child
  8. Features for easy installation
  9. Detachable base to easily use between vehicles, carry around, use in a taxi, etc.
  10. FAA approved for use on an airplane
Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT Infant Seat
Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT Infant Seat

Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT Review

If you are in a hurry to know what my assessment is, here are highlights of the pros and cons of the infant car seat.

To get the best insight from this review, you may need to read every detail of this article to the latter. It takes a little while to make the right decision if you would like this car seat or not.

Pros and Cons

Unbiased Review on the Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT Infant Seat

While this infant carries great easy-to-use features, is super-lightweight, and offers excellent comfort for a child, there is the issue with securely tightening the seat base.

The buckle straps also can get in between the baby’s thighs. And, it can be challenging to get the seat out of the base or secured back to the base. Hence my total score of 8.0.

Nevertheless, many parents love the seat and didn’t find the issues reported by others in theirs.

Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT Infant Seat
Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT - canopy & carrier handle view

Table 1: Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT Specifications

Product Dimension
15.75 x 18 x 30.5 inches
Product Weight
14.99 lbs. (lightweight)
Recommended Weight Range
4 – 35 lbs.
Recommended Height Limit
32 inches
Rear-facing Weight Limits
min. 4 lbs.; max. 35 lbs.
(enough room for growth)
Rear-facing Height Limits
32 inches
Life span (expiration)
8 years from the DOM
(label on the side of the seat)
safety first onboard 35 lt

Table 2: Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT Features

Safety Features
  • Side Impact Protection with high energy absorbing materials

  • QuickClick® for attaching to stroller securely,

  • 5-point harness

  • Exceeds Federal Safety Standards

  • Passed safety rating – federal safety standards, ASTM, and JPMA

  • Safety seat belt

  • Detachable base
Ease of use
  • 5-point harness with easy front adjustment – easily adjust harness with a single pull,

  • Ultra-lightweight and easy to carry, even with a baby weighing 35 lbs.

  • Dual adjustable buckle for the length and position on your child,

  • Seat base height easily adjusts to fit right in a car

  • Compatible with a stroller as a travel system

  • Machine washable, easy to remove seat pads and reinstall
Longevity and Suitability
  • Reasonable use for an infant seat in rear-facing (4 – 35 lbs.)
  • Suitable for small and tall babies
Comfortability for a Child
  • Thick cushion that is also soft on the baby, giving them comfort

  • High-quality fabric

  • 4 harness heights for better fit as your child grows and irrespective of size,

  • Extra newborn inserts (head and body inserts) for smaller babies,

  • Comfortable reclined position to enhance infant comfort and safety

  • Canopy to block direct sunlight on your baby
Who is it best for?
  • First time parents, parents having a preemie or a tiny baby, parents on a budget.  and if you are not particular about car size.

  • If you need a car seat for a small car, you may consider the Guide 65.

  • Or, if you are considering an all-in-one car seat, the Grow and Go will do justice.
safety first onboard 35
Safety 1st Grow and Go All-in-One Car Seat

Key Decision-making Factors for the Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT Infant Seat

Here is a quick overview of key decision-making factors to help you decide if the Safety 1st onBoard 35  is the right infant seat for you.

Some of the factors to look out for in an all-in-one car seat include:

  1. Installation features – When using an infant seat, one crucial factor to consider is the ease of installation. Not only that, if you will be carrying the seat more frequently, you want a seat you’ll be able to remove from the base easily. Installation features include the LATCH/LUAS/ISOFIX system and the seat belt.
  1. Compatibility with a vehicle – since vehicles are different in size and interior designs, a car seat should be adaptable to a vehicle by unique features. On the other hand, an infant seat should be easy to use in any car if, for instance, you need to use your seat in a taxi (installing without a base)
  1. Size – this goes side-by-side with compatibility. The bigger a seat, the less likely it’ll be able to fit with just any car. Since this is an infant seat, you’ll be more interested in a seat you can carry your infant in as such a seat should be lightweight and portable.
  1. Ease of usage – being a first-time parent, you don’t need the stress that comes with handling a car seat. An infant seat should be easy to use, clean, and have extra features to enhance usage.
  1. Comfort and growing room space – an infant seat should accommodate babies of every size and still offer comfort and not compromise safety. On the other hand, you want to consider a seat that offers enough growing space so your child can keep riding safely rear-facing for as long as possible.
  1. Weight and height requirement – The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a child ride in a rear-facing car seat for up to 2 years. Many states’ car seat laws require infants and toddlers under 20 lbs. to ride rear-facing. An infant seat should accommodate a child longer than these requirements to ensure the child’s safety.
  1. Safety features – All car seats produced are made to meet federal safety standards. However, many car seat manufacturers go overboard and exceed these standards, giving parents the trust that a car seat is safe for their children. Beyond this, extra safety features are also included in different models of cars seat, which is a great idea too, and many parents look forward to new and additional safety features.
  1. Other factors – other personal preferences can fall under here, say color preference, luxury design, and more. These are personal and would depend on an individual basis.
Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT Infant Seat

Table 3: Comparing the Factors above with What the Safety 1st onBoard LT Offers

Key Decision-making Factors onBoard 35 lt Verdict
Installation Features

  • Seat safety belt;

  • Detachable base


Compatibility With Vehicle
  • Adjustable  base height to fit right in a car

Very good

  • Product dimension –

    15.75 x 18 x 30.5 inches

  • Product weight – 14.99 lbs. (lightweight)

Excellent – easy to carry

Ease of Usage
  • 5-point harness with easy front adjustment

  • Ultra-lightweight

  • Dual adjustable buckle

  • Easily adjust seat base height to fit right in a car

  • Compatible with a stroller as a travel system

  • Machine washable


Comfort And Growing Room Space
  • Infant inserts to accommodate tiny babies and can be removed as the child grows

Excellent – for tiny babies

Weight And Height Requirement
  • Rear-facing:
    • weight min – 4 lbs. ; max: 35 lbs. and
    • height min: 19 in.; max: 40 in.


  • Side Impact Protection with high energy absorbing materials

  • QuickClick® for attaching to stroller securely,

  • 5-point harness

  • Exceeds Federal Safety Standards

  • Passed safety rating – federal safety standards, ASTM, and JPMA


Detailed Insight to this Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT Review Based on the Features – PROS and CONS

To give you more insight on this review assessment from actual users and not just word of mouth from the manufacturer, the Pros and Cons earlier listed at the beginning of this review have been expanded with more details.



The cushion is thick and, at the same time, soft, which gives a baby that cozy comfort. Parents gave good comments on the cushion and the comfortable benefit for their babies.

The infant seat also comes with a canopy which some parents assess as looking durable and thick, some complain that it gives a little noise when pulled back or forth, but that isn’t very important. The canopy can also be challenging to put back together.

The infant seat pads are easy to clean and install back.

Newborn Inserts (head and body inserts) to support Baby’s Size

This infant seat comes with head and body inserts that support a baby’s size. So, even if a baby is tiny, you don’t have to worry; the seat will fit well. Many parents appreciate this and cite this as a reason to have bought the seat.

Compatible with strollers with QuickClick®

This is a perfect seat for a travel system. Additionally, it has the QuickClick feature, which makes it compatible with any stroller that has this feature. Many parents love this.


Where does this product lack?

The Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT seat have some cons you need to be aware of; for some parents, they could get through with it.

Difficulty in Installing

This is a common CON for nearly all car seats, especially when there isn’t a special feature to ease the installation.

On the other hand, tightening a car seat is the most important step to ensure it serves its purpose in the first place. A baby seat must not move more than 1 inch when pushed front-to-back and side-to-side while holding at the belt side.

Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning that some parents find the onBoard 35 LT challenging to tighten. Some recommend installing using the LATCH over the seatbelt to overcome the challenge, while others recommend not using the base.

Difficulty in Getting the Seat out of the Base

There are complaints about getting the infant seat easily out of the base. This may not be a serious issue.

Bottom Buckle Strap can Pinch in Between the Thighs

Many parents find this issue over and that it is short. However, there is a hack to this. You can wear your baby a short/pants or tuck a spare cloth under the straps.

Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT Installation

The Safety 1st onBoard 35 can be installed either using the LATCH system or the safety belt, but not the two at the same time.

You can choose to install with the base or without. If you decide to install with the base, you can always detach the infant seat from the base and carry your baby while in the seat.

However, installing the seat is easy, as reported by ‘some’ parents. But there are some things to take note of ahead of time.

According to the manual, when installing the seat to the base, ensure you hear a ‘click’ sound to confirm the seat is secured to the base. Learn how to install Safety 1st car seats, including the onBoard 35 LT.

Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT Manual

You are always recommended to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for car seat registration, expiry date, car seat installation, cleaning, maintenance, etc.

You can find the Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT manual here. Please refer to the one attached to your car seat when you receive that. You can also find expiration dates for other safety 1st models and learn more about car seat expiration here.

Final Wrap-Up – Should You Still Consider This Safety 1st Infant Car Seat?

Getting to this point of the Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT infant car seat reviews, you may have made up your mind or are still skeptical about your decision.

Helping you decide, I will go with this infant seat if I am within a budget. And when I receive the seat, I’ll test those flaws reported by other parents, and if I find such, I’ll return it if I’m still within the return window.

Nevertheless, the Safety 1st onBoard 35 LT infant seat is very comfortable for a baby. It comes with infant inserts for tiny babies. It is lightweight, compatible with strollers, perfect for a travel system, and passed several safety tests.

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