So, you might be thinking, “80 days Trim Healthy Mama Challenge?!?!? That’s crazy” and I agree. That’s almost 2 and a half months! And not just any 2 and half months. But we are talking my birthday and fall baking!
How will I make it through all of those temptations? So, here’s the thing, since having my fourth child, I’ve kind of been blaming Trim Healthy Mama for not working for me. I’ve tried to count macros, 21 day fix, clean eating, and a handful of other diets to prove that THM just doesn’t work. But I believe it has more to do with having four children in 5 years and the fact that I’m a nursing mama.
And here I am stuck at the exact weight that I’ve been since 4 months postpartum. While I know that my weight and image isn’t as important as what’s in my heart, it’s so very frustrating. I don’t want to create idols out of my diet and weight loss goals. My main reasoning behind following these “diets” is because my goal is be healthy and feel well.
Eating nutritious foods give me the energy to chase my little ones. Choosing a breakfast like eggs and strawberries (instead of cereal) keeps me going. Because raising four children is demanding, I need the fuel that comes from a healthy meal.
Also, I’ve been given the opportunity to review the Mutu System: an online course to help heal Diastasis Recti and strengthen your core and pelvic floor. This is a 12-week course and the meal planning portion is similar to THM, so I’m going with what I know well.
If you want to join along with this challenge, here are a few tips I have:
If you want to join along with this 80 Days of THM challenge, here are a few tips I have
Step One:
Write down your goals for this challenge. Pray and think about why you want to do this.
I’m starting this journey by acknowledging that I may not lose weight, and I’m okay with that. For me, my goal is to continue to nurse my baby while following a healthy diet and exercising when I can. Your goals may be different but that’s okay.
Step Two:
Plan Ahead and set aside “cheat days”.
Meal planning and prep is key if you want to be successful with Trim Healthy Mama. I usually prepare one treat for the week and maybe a breakfast item like THM pancakes. Having something prepared and ready to go is always the best way to stay on track.
Also, I’m using a chart to write out each day of the challenge. As we make plans for the upcoming months, I will add any notes about days that I may want to eat “off plan” foods.
For example, my birthday is coming up and I hope to go to one of my favorite restaurants (the Greek flatbread is my favorite). We also have a lunch at church each month and I don’t like to be “that person” that can’t eat because they are on a diet.
Step Three:
What’s your biggest weakness? Find a way to make and put it “on a plan”.
For me, this is ice cream. Sometimes, I can eat well all day and then I sabotage all of my hard work with a McDonald’s sundae. I’ve learned that if I make some Tummy Tucking Ice Cream or have some Halo Top then I finish the day with a little treat and I don’t feel guilty (or sick).
Step Four:
Don’t be afraid to eat a crossover every now and then.
During this challenge, I plan to eat a crossover each week because it makes me feel like I’m not missing out. Each Saturday, our family enjoys a special breakfast. Usually pancakes but sometimes it’s banana bread. I want to be able to enjoy a slice of banana bread with nut butter or have some THM pancakes and bacon with my family. This is so much better than going “off plan”. And it’s nice to not have to think about making something just for myself.
Step Five:
Keep it simple so that you are not overwhelmed.
I plan to eat the same meal as my family, but tweaking them to be THM friendly. For example, if I make pasta, then I’ll make some spaghetti squash for myself. Or on taco night I’ll have a bed of lettuce instead of a taco shell.
It can be so tempting to scroll through the many THM recipes on Pinterest and want to make everything. But I encourage you to keep your meal plan simple and family-friendly so that you don’t get worn out from cooking.
I hope that this challenge helps give you the energy and health that you desire! I will be updating you soon on my progress with the Mutu System.
If you are up for this challenge, please join our private Facebook group (Made for More) so that we can encourage each other! Also, make sure that you are following me on Instagram, where I’ll be sharing some of my go-to meals!