Today, I’m so excited to be participating in this fun blog post with some other wonderful bloggers! We are sharing our homeschool spaces and I hope that you check out all of these amazing homeschool ideas you can use to setup a homeschool space unit in your home or improve upon it if you already have one.
First off, when we moved into our small rental home 5 years ago, I never imagined that we would still be here as we have begun to homeschool our 4 and 5-year-old. In my mind, we couldn’t homeschool in this house because we need a separate room for that, right?
Over the years, I’ve been encouraged to pursue gratitude and contentment, especially when it comes to our home. When we moved to this house, we had one child, which was an ideal situation in a house with three bedrooms. The master bedroom for my husband and I, our daughter’s bedroom, and the office in the spare room.
Shortly, after we moved here, I found out I was pregnant when our oldest was only 7 months old. Now, we have four children in a three-bedroom home and our youngest (10 months) sleeps in a mini crib nestled in the corner of our bedroom.
I’m shocked by how creative we are forced to be when it comes to living with multiple children in a small home. As our girls have gotten older, I have begun to think and plan how we can make room for all of our homeschooling supplies.
We carry out most of our home schooling in the dining room. It’s not Pinterest perfect, but it is functional and works for our family.
Even though I dream of the day that I can have a special room for homeschooling, I’m content with the space we have. I’ll still be giving you better ideas how you can set up your homeschool space even if it’s in a bedroom or other small spaces in the house.
First off, let me give you quick perk into how our homeschool space if set up.

Our Schedule
Our dining room is connected to our kitchen where I keep our dry erase board (one of the ideal must-haves for homeschool room) schedule for the day.
This keeps me on track and reminds me that I must step away from certain things (like my own writing/reading, cleaning, etc.) so that I can move on to the next task.
This inexpensive tool has been the biggest motivator to me as a homemaker and homeschooling mom.
The Great Outdoors
One of my favorite things about homeschooling is having the freedom to take the kids outside whenever I want to.
Each morning, after breakfast and chores, we head outside to let out some energy.I usually let the kids run around or ride their bikes for about 10 minutes and I try to get a good, short walk while the kids are playing.
This helps us all feel ready to start the day and sometimes we will have a mini nature lessons about what they found while playing outside.
Starting each day getting some fresh air and acknowledging God’s creation, puts us all in a better mood.
Our Toddler Cabinet
This blue cabinet has been a life-saver over the years. It was previously the “art cabinet” but now that I am homeschooling (while trying to keep the two-year-old out of trouble), I’ve dedicated the space for my little guy. He is able to go to the cabinet and get something to do while I’m teaching the girls.
A few things that we have it in (right now) are: Play Doh, building toys, letters that make each letter sound, stickers, paper, books, etc.
I plan on rotating toys in and out of this cabinet so that he doesn’t get bored with it.
Our Drawer System
Here is how we use the drawers:
Subject Bins
I was able to find some extra space in my husband’s office for supplies that I didn’t want the kids to get out without permission and that were also taking up a lot of space in our living room area.
On the top shelf we keep games, the second shelf is for random art supplies, extra paints, dot dot markers, dry erase markers, etc.
On the third shelf, I have a “mom” bin and my kids know that this bin is off limits because it’s only for my supplies. Then, we have a math bin, flash cards, stamps, etc.
On the fourth shelf, I keep all of the girls school books that we are using this year and their daily Kindergarten notebooks. They can easily go get them and put them away. We also keep our supplemental curriculum and extra workbooks on this shelf.
This space is right by the door that opens into our dining room so it’s easily accessible during school time.
Encouraging Art Work and Reminders
Homeschooling can be tough and as parents we can become frustrated when our children give up or lack the motivation to get their work done.
This is when I must remember the reason why we homeschool. Of course, my child’s education is important but my first priority is to teach them to live a life devoted to Christ and His will.
By displaying scripture and encouraging quotes around my home, I’m reminded of my purpose as their Mama. At times, a glance at these pictures motivate me to be patient and gentle even when my child is struggling.
Homeschooling can be tough and as parents we can become frustrated when our children give up or lack the motivation to get their work done. This is when I must remember the reason why we homeschool. Of course, my child’s education is important but my first priority is to teach them to live a life devoted to Christ and His will.
Don’t forget to check out these other homeschool spaces!
Embracing a Simpler Life
This Pilgrim Life
Intentional By Grace (video)

Next, I’ll be giving you amazing ideas on
- How to set up homeschool space
- Must-haves you would need for your homeschool room
- Inspiration on ideas you take from to set up a choice space room
- Ideas for small spaces and bedroom – remember we used our dining room
What are the must-haves for homeschool room?

Before setting up your homeschool space unit there are must-haves items you will definitely need. These are what make up a homeschool space unit to be what it should be.
Depending on the space you may already have in your home, this is one thing you will need to keep your kids’ books, arts, collectibles, stationeries and more. There is flexibility in this regard as to what can fit to your available space.
There are portable carts and wall-type shelves
Other things you may consider in a choice of bookshelf is accommodation for a desktop computer, comfy spot for reading, dedicated workspace, but these are secondary
This is another, if not the first must-haves to get for your homeschool space. There are different types you can get, but this is not a review of best homeschool desks on this post, but I will just point out some basic factors you can consider when making a choice. A review post will come up with time.
The basic things to consider are how many kids will be using the desks, do you plan having more kids in short space, age of your kids, how much of space you have available and how often the desk will be used among others.
For now, here are a top list of picks I already have curated for you

Chalkboards will be used as a teaching unit for your kids and one thing you’ll want to consider is the space you will need for writing on the board.
Interestingly, you can decide to make your own chalkboard by DIY, or you can choose to buy from any on our list of best chalkboards.
High quality stationeries – pencils, pencil sharpeners, art supplies
At this stage what your kids need for writing are pencils. HB will be fine for them. You can check this one out. Along side this will be a sharpener.
Electric Pencil Sharpener
There are so many sharpeners to pick from, but you will have to consider specialty depending on the pencil you pick first. This particular sharpener will be good for colored pencils.
Art supplies
There are so many sharpeners to pick from, but you will have to consider specialty depending on the pencil you pick first. This particular sharpener will be good for colored pencils.
Something to keep all your stationeries organized and in one place. This 3-tiered organizer is a rolling cart you can easily put away when done with homeschooling
Dry erase board
A dry erase board can be used for writing daily assignments, make plans / to-do tasks, daily schedules, and/or even quotes to keep you going for the day. It’s quite an inexpensive tool and I am sure you’ll find it very useful. Mine has been the biggest motivator for me as a homeschooling mom.
There are also the personal-sized dry erase board that your kids can use individually.
Don’t forget to get the ample dry erase markers – the ones with a magnet and an eraser on the other end.
Cubbies for storage – book bins
These book bins are to keep books organized for each child. Each kid is assigned a bin and will have his/her whole books kept in there, if not much. This bin can conveniently fit on your bookshelf or could even take the place of a shelf if you are concerned with space or budget.
Storage - Cabinet and drawers
Keeping homeschool records can be a necessity depending on your state laws. Where you are required to keep record of student works, you know pretty well you have to get storage solutions. But even where it isn’t compulsory, you can still have it to keep annual record of attendance as that may be required
Good lightening
The lightening atmosphere is an important must-have to include in your set up. This is because there is an effect of the type of lightening in an environment or room that affects children learning ability. I’m sure you want the very best for your kids from the get go.
Setting up your homeschool space
After you must have taken notes of the must-haves for your homeschool room let us now delve/dive into setting up you homeschool space.
- Find the right work surface
While you may be thinking you need the perfect big separate room for your homeschool space, realistically, you don’t need that. You don’t need a separate room and you don’t need a big space. But if you still gat that, great.
What you need consider particularly would be the right work space. That is, a convenient spot where you feel is good enough for your kids. No distraction, no disturbance, their space are set up and all is good, then that’s it.
This work surface could be your dining table just like mine, the kitchen table or a drop-down desk.
- Make comfort a priority
In as much as you are considerate on some limiting factors, you must not rule out comfort. You need a relaxing atmosphere that is suitable for learning.
Exposure to noise from the television, fumes from the kitchen or sunrays from the windows are what you should rule out.
Another point of comfort to consider is the type of chair you get for your kids. Put that to consideration also.
Make comfort a priority when setting up your homeschool space unit.
- Have the supplies and materials you would need ready
When you don’t have a dedicated room for homeschooling, mobility becomes the option. Make sure to have your supplies and materials from the must-haves we already mentioned in an accessible and organized form to make everything easy for you.
- Homeschool desk ideas
Let us discuss homeschool desk ideas for your space unit. Part of having a productive homeschooling time with your kids is to have the best desk set up for them to give them a good comfort and enhance learning.
One thing primarily to take into consideration here is what you already know works for your kids. As you know, every child is unique and as a parent you probably already understand your child’s opinions for his/her needs. You shouldn’t rule this out.
Here are some of my ideas that can help you in setting up a homeschool desk
- Number of kids
while you don’t need to go all in in acquiring big desks, take consideration of how many kids that will be using a desk and you can consider if to buy a single, double or even triple desk work frame
- Space
if you do have large space setup, this idea here may work for you. A large space setup that can accommodate for 2 or more kids with enough room to shelve this hutch style desk that can keep supplies organized and even more space for the kids to utilize for their tasks.
- Demarcated space
this setup maybe a little tight for a kid in a compartment, but may still be wide enough if the room has quite a space. Here, tall bookshelves and hutch style desks are used together to provide the separation. The bookshelf can accommodate more book and supply storage.
- Consider the Kids table
Here is a perfect sized table when there are little kids. Helpful for their learning. It can also make up as a craft table too, oh yes.
- Consider the Kids homework work station
When you are about portability, this is just about the perfect idea. Doubles up to manage space critically – a kids work station affix the wall.
- Consider a Multi-kid table desk
This comes handy when you have a dedicated room for homeschooling. Talk about space, here you have it.
- Consider family work space
You may need to consider a family work space if there is enough space. A family work space is a good idea if you plan to work with your kids as a family, that is, your husband involved. But why not, it makes it more fun as both parents get to share their ideas here in there in the children tasks.
Amazing homeschool room ideas you can get inspiration from
Now let’s move on to amazing homeschool room ideas you absolutely must see. Yeah, when it boils down to all we have treated from the beginning you will now want some ideas of your desired homeschool room.
Though some of what I have mentioned above are still great ideas, I will try not to repeat them so every point you read on will be fresh.
When there is space and you can dedicate a room just for a homeschool space, the following are good ideas you can pick from.
1. Convert a flex room space
You can convert an attic or flex room in your house. This will fit best when you have a number of kids and you need that space for them to be able to work at the same time without squabbles here and there.
Your setup can include good lighting and separate desks. There can be room for bookshelves and then other supplies you already have.
2. Multiple style learning system
There’s no limit to a pattern or style of learning. When you have that space all you can do is maximize it to accommodate for different learning styles.
While you may want them to take a seating position today, you may want another learning pattern tomorrow – say another type of seat, comfy chairs with footrest. While basic combinations will be chairs, desk, table.
Other space ideas. Say you don’t have a dedicated room for homeschool, the following ideas can come handy.
3. Split a space for different purpose
You can split an existing room, say the living room, bedroom or dining and have the other portion as your homeschooling space. Great idea, right?
4. Craft table for craft room
The idea of developing your kids to start using their imaginative creativity is something surreal.
This setup is just the ideal environment to give your kids. Just take a look at as much organization you can have with this setup.
5. Three sibling homework space
When you have up to 3 kids or expecting one more soon enough this can be a nice setup you can have.
This idea hack is from Ikea. This setup is a combination of a wall-mounted workspace for storage and desk. The beautiful part of this is the name crested on the wall for your kids. Cool, right?
6. Wall letters
One last one here. Wall letters. This will help learning faster as kids gets to see the alphabet just every time. The set up speaks so much.
homeschool room ideas for bedroom and small spaces
While you might not have all the space in the world, yours might just be a small space or just a bedroom. Here are ideas for small spaces and bedroom
1. Maximize unused space
You really can’t be without options. There will always be a way. Look around, under the stairway? Absolutely, that’s a good small space you can utilize.
Just look how you can get the best supply that fit in to such space.
Utilize multipurpose space irrespective of size
2. Home school wood on wall
This setup can be some where in the living room or just anywhere. But you know what, you don’t even need all the space. Just carve out a corner and you have this already.
3. L-shaped computer desk with bookcase
Perfect, I know right! Just so portable and perfect for small spaces. This 24.14” height kids desk and chair is also adjustable and multifunctional.
4. White desk and cup storage
Here again another cool one, going all white. How cool!
While you can also have your supplies stored in this cart and bucket trolley.
5. Two desk homework space
Earlier I mentioned the three-sibling homework space, here we have the two-desk homework space.
This will fit more for a smaller space than the former. Here you go.
6. Chair desk with storage bin:
This is so so portable. You don’t even have to worry about small spaces anymore.
This can fit in to your living room, bedroom or a small space you have, just anywhere in the house is just great