I try to be the mum whom God has called me to be. Sometimes I feel like I have too much to do, too many children to care for, and too many responsibilities. It can be overwhelming. How am I suppose to do it all?
I am not being a grumpy mom here, I only realize there are things moms will never be able to do for their children.
The truth is, I haven’t been called to do it all.
I can rest knowing their are certain things that I will never be able to do for my kids. These are tasks only the Heavenly Father can accomplish and I’m thankful for that.
things moms will never be able to do for their children
1. I will never be able to protect them from harm.
Sure, I can watch them and make sure their environment is safe, but many times I’ve had accidents happen right in front of me. Like the time my son busted his head on a brick step at our front door. I let go off his hand and BAM!, blood everywhere…
We all hate to see our children get hurt and the thought of losing them is a type of pain we can’t imagine.
As a person I’ve often struggle with being a “what if?” person. Many times I’ve let these fears and feelings steal my joy from my motherhood. I’ve learned that by letting go and acknowledging that my children do not belong to me but to God, brings me peace. I feel free from the worries that come from being a parent.
I can’t expect to be able to always protect them from everything but I serve a God that will never leave them.
2. I will never love my children like God loves them.
We serve a God that is patient, kind, and gentle. His love is unconditional and undeserving. While we may love our children in spite of what they do, we will never be able to provide the love and security that comes from Christ.
But by understanding God’s love for us, we can be begin to love our children with the love of Christ. This is something we should always pursue, even if we can’t do it perfectly.
As parents, we are sinners and we will continue to sin no matter how much we love our children. Our God is a perfect God and His love is a perfect love that cannot be compared to the love that we can give.
3. I can’t make them believe.
Reading Bible stories, learning character qualities, sheltering our children from the media, etc. are all great ways to point our children to Christ but it will never make them a Christian. No matter how hard I try I cannot force my children to love and seek God.
Their is no secret parenting technique that guarantees that your child will live a life that enjoys serving the Lord.
I will never stop praying that my children are aware of their sins.
I must educate them about the Christian faith then leave the rest to the Holy Spirit to work in their heart.
4. I will never be able to provide true contentment and joy.
So many of us are focused on making our kids happy that we don’t realize that it’s not our job. Our kids need to realize they need a Savior. It is our job to teach our children the Bible and the faith, not a watered down worldly view of Christianity. We must train them to expect unhappiness but to know that God is still there and He has a plan.
What we can do as Moms is to keep pushing forward when life gets tough. When we are overwhelmed by all that needs to be done may we remember what is important. Let’s keep praying for our children and keep training them to be aware of the sin that all of us were born with.
I pray that you would find peace and rest knowing that Christ is with you through this journey. You are not alone.