I don’t exactly remember when this very feeling came to me, but I think it was just soon after my third child was born hence me writing these encouraging words for a working mom.
He was such a sweet, laid back little guy and I was doing pretty good with the whole three kids, three and under. Maybe I felt invincible like I could do anything. So, why was I wasting my time changing diapers and sweeping crumbs? Couldn’t I be doing something more? Such working mom struggles. I hope my words can be an encouragement to working moms.
I’ve always had an entrepreneur ambition but never enough consistency to follow through. The need to fulfill a mission, be a part of something struck in my heart. I really needed that encouragement to stay motivated.
The comfort of having more money coming in or a side job sounded convincing to me. That’s when I began to brainstorm all of the ways I could make money from home. I bought Crystal Paine’s book: Money Making Mom (Great book by the way) and I was ready to dive in.
What I didn’t realize was that as I was so focused on finding some miracle way to make money while staying home with my kids that my home (and my family) were feeling a little neglected. The house was cluttered, the kids were fighting, and Mt. Laundry kept growing and growing. I was frustrated that I could never get any work or planning done and I took it out on my family. This was part of my working mom struggles.
Called to work
I began to seek the Lord and ask Him to show me where my focus needed to be. I felt a nudge in my heart to slow down because my family needed my attention, not my paycheck.
In this time, I began to realize I’m called to work, to labor within my home, without pay…
Colossians 3:24 says,
“since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”
God has given us small tasks to complete each day for free. We don’t get a paycheck for doing it, but what we are doing matters much more than extra money in our pocket. We are being the hands and feet of Christ each time we clean up the spilled milk and wash the dirt off our child’s face. We have been given a great opportunity to serve those under our own roof.
By offering our time, we are sacrificing our own selfish ambitions to make our home a living example of the gospel.
Your worth is found in Christ, not your job title. You need that encouragement as a working mom doing those home tasks of taking care of your kids and home. You do need to stay motivated working from home.
As a homemaker, I dread that question that every stranger tends to asks, “what do you do?” I feel like I need to ramble for 10 minutes after I mention that I stay home with my kids (and my husband works from home too). Not only do people think we are crazy, but their reaction causes me to wonder if they think we are uneducated or living off the government. It can leave me feeling less than other women who are successful in their careers. I think to myself, only if I had something to show for the progress I’ve made staying at home and caring for my family.
That was always the encouragement to stay strong as a hard-working mom.
But the thing is, I don’t need to prove myself to these strangers that look down on us for not pursuing a fancy career. My worth is not found in what others think of me, my worth is found in Christ alone.
He has given me a passion and heart for loving on these little people and keeping our home tidy and organized. He has called me to work beside my husband and support him through his self-employment. He is preparing me to maybe someday mentor younger mothers that are in the trenches.
By the world’s standards, it may seem like you aren’t doing enough when you live a life as a homemaker but God can use you for the Kingdom right where you are. You must be willing to let go of what others think and focus on this calling for your life.
Paid in blessings
We may not get a paycheck for the 24/7 work of motherhood but God is blessing us through our work. Each day, we are growing spiritually as we rely on God for strength and patience to make it through the day. We are growing in our skills and becoming more successful in the way that we do things.
We can receive blessings if we keep working hard in our homes. This is a work that we should strive to do, not dread. I don’t enjoy putting laundry away or cleaning out my closet, but I want to do it because it keeps our home going.
My everyday chores are a blessing and gift to my family as well. My children get to work alongside me learning the skills they need to care for their own home someday.
Right now, we are in the process of introducing our 2-year-old to potty training. He knows that when he goes potty, he gets a small piece of candy. It motivates him to work hard to reach the goal of getting that delicious treat. As adults, we tend to expect this same tangible reward, but life doesn’t always work that way.
We rarely get a pat on the back for doing good work, but that should never be our motivation to get it done. Instead of seeking the world and its pleasures we must store our treasures in Heaven. We must commit to serving the Lord to please Him not to put ourselves on a pedestal.
I encourage you to search your heart, open the Word, and examine your purpose in the work you do. Sometimes ordinary people make a big impact for Christ through the little, simple ways.
Encouragement to working moms
As a wrap up, this is an encouragement to working moms to ignore any form of struggles you may experience as a working mom.
Within your mind you may think not earning in the real sense of hard currency is working for free but the reality is that the home you are managing is so much work already.
While you try to include other activity including a career, you still need that motivation to keep going cos any regular work is also as demanding as it can be.
You must ignore every working mom struggles such as managing the kids, potty training, cleaning the closet, preparing a meal plan and keeping your husband company. By ignoring, not literally to ignore these activities, but the thoughts that that they are overwhelming and not worth it. Rather you should find encouragement and joy that you are serving a purpose to your family and the society at large.
Let this be a work from home motivation that gives you a reason to keep going just like myself. I have seen a major improvement in my perspective of things and my husband has also been contributing to this effect.
Another way to help your self in this motivation stage is to involve your home. Let your children be your source of inspiration as well your husband. You’d be surprise how better you’ll begin to feel going forward.
You can get ideas of date night you can have with your spouse. This is yet a way to help you relax your mind from all the struggles in your thoughts.